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long dan xie gan wan  龍膽瀉肝丸

by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu           按此看中文

Name of Formula: Long Dan Xie Gan Wan

Source of formula: (Lan Shi Mi Cang)                See Warning.


(1). Traditional uses: for overactive sympathetic nervous system, bacterial infection of urinary tract and/or vagina area, jaundice due to hepatitis, middle ear infection, gall bladder stones, conjunctivitis, migraine due to overactive sympathetic nervous system, overactive thyroid.

(2) New uses: 1. Mondor disease (source: 新 用 薈 萃 )

Directions: With high liver fire or liver/gall bladder with damp heat, take 3 times a day, 9 grams each time.

For shingles (herpes zoster), acute psoriasis, acute skin allergies with high liver fire or liver/gall bladder  with damp heat, take 3 times a day, 9 grams each time.

Caution: Do not use this formula if the diagnosis is blood deficiency and wind heat (血 虛 風 燥 ).

Ingredients of formula:

long dan cao 200 g, huang qin 100 g, jiang zhi shan ji 100 g, ze xie 200 g, mu tong 100 g, yan zhi che qian zi 100 g, chai hu 200 g, dang gui 100 g, gan cao 100 g, sheng di 100 g.

Directions for making pills: Grind into powder and make into pills with refined honey.

Dosage: 3 times per day, 9 grams each time. Take pills after meals with lukewarm

drinking water. Dosage is to be adjusted for children. Stop taking when problem

is solved. It is especially important that those who are spleen and stomach deficient do 

not take this formula for a long period of time.

Note: Ready-made formulae are available over the counter. Unless you know the

prepackaged herbs are safe, however, it is better to use the raw herbs and make them

yourselves. Many prepackaged herbs have been tested by the government of ROC in

Taiwan. Many did not pass the test. For example, sometimes the packages do not list

all the ingredients properly or do not have expiration dates. Other times, the pills

contain toxic trace minerals or vary in size. If you use raw herbs to make the pills

yourself, it is important to know how to identify the individual herbs. If you need

assistance in finding out if certain prepackaged herbs are safe or not, email our

Research Librarian.

Warning: This formula can be toxic to the kidneys because of the herb mu tong. There are different varieties of mu tong in the market. Before the Qing dynasty, however, it was not toxic because mu tong was derived from either the plant of Akebia guinata or the plant Akebia lobata.  Today, ninety five percent of mu tong (guan mu tong 關木通) used in China is from the stem of Aristolochia debilis, a toxic plant usually grown in the northeastern provinces of China, formerly called Manchuria. Only rarely in a few localities in China, is mu tong obtained from Akebia guinata or Akebia lobata being used. Today, all formulae that contain guan mu tong are being banned in China because of the toxicity to the kidneys.

Letter of FDA to Industry

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In Chinese:




 胸壁淺表血栓性靜脈炎 (Mondor disease) ( 新 用 薈 萃 )


龍膽草200克﹐黃芩100克﹐山梔(薑治) 100克﹐澤瀉200克﹐木通100克﹐




注意﹕ 木通有幾種。現在市場上賣的 95% 是關木通, 屬于馬兜鈴科﹐對腎臟有毒。凡含有關木通的成藥將被禁賣。

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A manuscript... writing, translating and proofreading              in progress

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Last update: July 3, 2013; 10:30 a.m. LAH