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wu mei 烏梅﹐bai mei 白梅﹐

mei 梅 , lu e mei  綠萼梅    

 By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu

Pharmaceutical name:

英文藥名 ﹕

Fructus Armeniaca mume

Biological name:

拉丁文植 物學名﹕

Armeniaca mume Sieb.

Pron. in Japanese:


 u bai

Pron. in Korean:


o mae

Pron. in Cantonese


wu1 mui4

Pron. in Fujianese:

閩南語 發音 :

o bui

Common Name:

英文名 :

 plum, Japanese apricot, mume fruit



Originated in China. Produced in Sichuan, zhejiang, Guangdong, Fujian, Hunan, Guizhou. Those produced in Changxin  (長新) of Zhejiang is deemed best.

原産於中國 。産於四川, 浙江, 廣東,福建,湖南,貴州。浙江長新出産的被認為最好。

Properties (characteristics):


Sour. Warm


Channels (meridians) entered:


large intestine, liver, lung, spleen

大腸,肝, 肺,脾。

Actions & Indications:


relieving coughs, diarrhea, pain from colic caused by ascaris, alleviates thirst caused by yin deficient,  rid of ascaris worms, stopping bleeding, treating corns and warts (external use),

用於肺虛久 咳不止﹐久瀉久痢﹐虛熱口渴﹐蛔蟲所致的嘔吐腹痛, 外用於皮膚疣。

Medical Function:


antibiotic effect on Staphylococcus. Stimulates the production of bile and induce contraction of bile duct which promote getting rid of round worms in the bile duct. Treatment of hook worms. Anti allergic effect of albumen shock of lab guinea pigs.

對金黄球菌 有抗生素作用。刺激胆汁之産生。引起膽管之收缩而帮助排出膽管中的蛔虫。治鉤虫。對試驗室的 天竺鼠有 抗蛋白休克過敏反應。

Chemical ingredients:

化學成 份:

Vaporizing ingredient: n-hexanal, trans-2-hexenal, n-hexanol, trans-2-hexen-1-ol, cis-2-hexen-1-ol, linalool, a-terpineol, geraniol, trimethyltetrahydronaphthalene drivs, tetradecanoic acid, benzaldehyde, terpinen-4-ol, benzylalcohol, hexandecanoic acid (1). b-sitosterol.

Lipids: neutral lipids, glycolipids, phospholipids, triglycerides, free sterols, sterol esters, 1, 2; 1,2 -glycerides, free fatty acid, ceryl alcohol, pectic acid.

Simple acids: citric acid, malic acid, succinic acid(5-7), oxalic acid, fumaric acid (2), hydrocyanic acid.

Amino acid: aspartic acid, asparagine, serine, glycine, alanine, glycinamide.

Others: lup-20-(29)-ene, 7b, 15a-diol-3b-palmitate, stearate, arahidate, behenate, lignocerate (7); rhamnocitrin-3-O-rhamnoside,  kaempferol-3-O-rhamnoside, quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside (7) ;  amygdalin, b-glucosidase (3), superoxide dismutase(9), gibberellin A32 .



用量 :

Dosage of wu mei: 3 to 9 g

Dosage of lu e mei: 3 to 4.5 g

烏梅之用量:3~9克 。

綠萼梅之用量:3 ~ 4.5 克。

Samples of formulae:



Modern Research:

to be loaded



Do not use wu mei  in cases of internal heat excess (high fever with infection) and stagnation or unresolved exterior disorders, (as in cold or flu without sweat).

Using wu mei together with sulfonamides may cause bleeding in the urinary tract.

烏梅酸澀收斂 ,凡有表邪,或內有實熱積滯者,不宜服用。
烏梅與磺胺類藥 (sulfonamides) 同時使用可能會引起血尿。

Wu mei (literally means black prunes): the plums are collected before they are almost ripe and baked in low heat  till brown in color and are covered until they turned black.

Bai mei (literally means white prunes): the green (unripe) plums are collected and pickled in salt water, then dried under the sun, which turns them white.

Lu e mei : The flowers are being used. The variety that has green calyx is called lu e mei, literally means plum (flowers) with green calyx.

Uses: to disperse liver stagnation, to calm stomach, to transform phlegm, treat globus hystericus (sensation of a lump in the throat), lack of appetite.

Dosage: 3 to 4.5 g


Wu mei  was incorrectly listed by Chinese Medicine Dictionary as Prunus mume(Sieb.)Sieb. et Zucc.  中華人民共和國藥典.  Now has been corrected and listed as Armeniaca mume Sieb.)

烏梅﹕五月立夏前後梅 果 將成熟,採集後 以低溫焙至呈黃褐色,再悶至黑色。

青梅﹕梅果未成熟尚青, 採集後以鹽醃,日晒曝乾,是為白梅 。

綠萼梅綠 萼梅花的含苞花蕾,綠萼花白,稱之為綠萼梅。

用量:3 ~ 4.5 克。


原文:Prunus mume(Sieb.)Sieb. et Zucc.(61,268页)
補正:Armeniaca mume Sieb.
注解:本種為杏屬(Armeniaca)植物,而《藥典》所採用的本種屬名(Prunus),現為李屬的屬名。《藥典》所載其學名為異名。 (沈保安﹐ 安徽省芜湖市药品检验所 241001)


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